Finally! You have finally taken the leap to makeover your family room after the children have moved out. Only to find out, once it’s done, the house is actually more than you need. This situation is more common than many realize. Many homeowners see their home with new eyes and come to the conclusion, that this is probably the best time to cash out on their long term investment.
The children have left the nest. Sell now and buy smaller, closer to the city where there’s lots to do while we have our health! Sound like a great idea? It is…but we just bought all that furniture!!
This new project, will feature how we took the new furniture from the family home and took it in a totally different direction.
From suburban to urban! Let me show you how. Stay tuned!!
A beautiful Boston view and a new chapter begins. This project is exciting because of its location but also because we get to create a new environment for the clients with less limitations. We get to have fun with it and dress up this space for a couple that’s just about to live their best life!!